About Us

    International Carnival

    The amazing city of Hull is part of East Riding of Yorkshire and only a stone throw away from some of the most beautiful countrysides, coastlines and sceneries in the whole of Britain.

    It is also a historical port city which was founded in the 12th Century with an unassuming attraction and a must see destination for lovers of history, culture and great sceneries.

    Every year THE HULL INTERNATIONAL CARINIVAL takes place in the month of August, attracting visitors from around the country and other regions.

    Each year the event will be run with support from local volunteers. We are looking out for any members of the community who are willing to assist in the carnival at various levels.

    FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED , EMAIL   office@hullinternationalcarnival.com



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    I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
